Marketing YOU! 10 grass roots outreach activities that really work

Are you tired of investing in marketing that just doesn’t seem to pay off? Every time my calendar needs a boost I pull out these tried and true grass roots, low cost, high impact marketing tactics.


Strategically Network


1. Set up 3 appointments with providers who serve your ideal clients. This could be a phone call or coffee. Just be sure the time is used to your mutual benefit.


Be prepared with survey* questions and information or connections that could be of value to your partner. Let them know what kind of projects and goals you are working toward.


2. Contact 3 of your past clients. Repeat activities in #1.


3. Review your past proposals. Contact each by phone even if they’ve chosen another provider. Repeat the activities in #1.


4. Review the business calendars in your local paper and online. Find 2-3 new events to attend in the next 30 days. There are always new events, professional development, and happenings that would add value to your own business, expose you to new audiences, and add value to those you are contacting in steps #1-3. (Stop attending anything that is not producing value.)


Make a Name for Yourself


5. Start speaking. Consider everywhere you go a “mini-stage”. From your introduction to an informational presentation to a keynote, find places to share your insights and secret sauce.


6. Host your own event. Invite your top prospects, strategic partners, and/or past clients to an informational event. Plan to provide valuable information, insight, or introductions. If hosting an event on your own seems daunting, find a strategic partner who could benefit and share the load of producing. This doesn’t have to be costly.


7. Start writing. Your audience wants to know what you know. The mistakes you could help them avoid, the pitfalls, debunk the myths and lies they’ve been fed, give them the secrets to success…YOU know these things. Share them. Don’t let the fact that you had a teacher in your past tell you writing was not for you get started making lists, share your ideas, and do what works for you. Just get writing.


8. Join the conversation. Find others who are talking about what you want to talk about. This might mean you have to leave some of the groups you are currently involved in. Ask questions. Add your insights. Don’t worry about the competition. There is more than enough to go around. Get Grounded


9. Slow down to speed up. Shift your attachment and value from being “busy” to becoming “intentional”. Evaluate how you can create more impact from less effort. This takes reflection, evaluation, assessment. That won’t happen if you have no margin in your life or business.


10. Get out of your office. Connections are made when people see you. This can happen virtually if you are in a forum where you can be heard but will most likely be in your own back yard. Attend an event that interests you for no other reason than that it interests you. Do something fun. Learn a new skill. Take a class. You are a whole person. Your business will not fail if you walk away from the helm to renew your energy and add some fun.


*Survey questions I typically ask. What are the changes going on in your industry? How are they impacting you locally or personally? What are your key initiatives for 2012? Based on your experience in your profession/industry, what short or long term impact do you see on your business?


**Value add resources are anything of high value to the person I am speaking with. This could be events, books, insights I’ve gained from reading books or attending conferences, connections I can make for them, etc.


Grass roots’ marketing is organic. It builds trust. It lets your audience get to know and experience YOU. The bottom line is that this type of outreach really works. Apply for 30 days and see what you get…then do it again.


Do you have some suggestions to add to this list?


Want more Monetize Me! Expertise? Check out our Monetize Me! Expert Series. 


Rear View Mirror – the Power of Vision Driven Results


Your ideas, insights, gifts, skills, and experiences are money.


Uniquely being you delivers value to others. In a business environment, they (your customers) give you money for that value exchange. I refer to this as the fuel that runs your economic engine. Cash and profits are essential to the health and operation of your company. But how easily you make money, quickly you build a company, magnetically attract customers, and gain credibility all depends on you.


In this metaphor, you are the driver of your high performing entrepreneurial vehicle. Ultimately you are responsible for how and when you arrive at your destination. When it comes to significant goal achievement I find the “rear view mirror” technique to be highly effective for three reasons. It is future focused It engages your RAS (Reticular Activation System) Here is an excellent article on what RAS is and why it matters in goal setting.


Repeated use of the ‘rear view mirror’ technique will reveal self sabotage and detours that delay arrival at your destination. Here is how it works.


Let’s take a one year view and work backwards.


Based on your income or revenue goals, picture yourself and ask yourself.


“What do I see in my rear view mirror? What are the significant benchmarks that contributed to my goal achievement?”

  • If you are a service professional you might be celebrating sustainable marketing outreach that fed consistent prospects converting to clients you love all year long and a work/life balance with income that keeps you motivated.

  • If you are a consultant, speaker, or expert you might be celebrating new book sales, successful speaking engagements, new products released, recognition by peers, etc.

  • If you are an entrepreneurial rainmaker (you are building a company that depends on others labor while you attract and convert new business opportunities) you might be celebrating key people on your team, their achievements and contributions, your market penetration, recognition by peers, new product release, etc.

Next bring the view back to the short term. Picture yourself out 90 days or at the end of a quarter. What benchmarks do you see in your rear view that needs to be met this quarter to significantly move you toward that celebration?


Now, bring the view into this month and next week. What benchmarks do you need to see in your rear view next week and next month?Identify and make SMART commitments to the key activities that create forward movement.


Hindrances and helps for using the rear view mirror technique.

  • Master your motivators. Learn the people or activities that distract you and align with those who inspire, encourage, and accelerate you.

  • Find the juice in your future. When you are looking back on the benchmarks, achievements, and celebrations invest in feeling the full impact of emotions. Ask yourself, “What does this look like? How do I feel? How do others see me? What are they saying about me? What am I saying about myself? What is the financial impact of achieving this benchmark?”

  • Keep your head up for pot holes, road blocks and detours. What would you like to see in your rear view mirror next week? What’s going to keep you from accomplishing it? Strategize to work around them, avoid or eliminate the obstacles.


Key to monetizing your talents is creating practices that allow you to work in your sweet spot most of the time. Practice the future focused “rear view mirror” technique to get more juice in goal achievement process.


The ultimate business strategy is leveraging YOU! 


Networking 101: The Truth about What is Really Going On

I confess….I have a real love/hate relationship with networking. Don’t let your jaw hit the floor. It’s true!


I love it when it works. I hate it when it doesn’t. You know what I’m talking about.


I love it when I am in a group of like minded people who understand the value of connecting, discovering, and relationship building.




I hate it when I end up in a group populated with sales people selling me their wares before they know if I am a prospect OR on the other end of the phone with someone so sure we can refer business to each other if only we could just meet for coffee. If that’s you…don’t take offense. There is hope for you.


If you are in my camp with the same love/hate relationship. There is hope for us too. My mantra “Networking is NOT selling. It is the power of connecting for mutual benefit.” keeps me sane and focused. I networked badly with others who networked badly for years before I got smart. If I can do it I am confident others can learn it too.


“Networking 101: What Do You Mean “It Only Lasted Ten Seconds!? by Samuel I. Diener


You can call me judgmental. I am.


Once you have given me that first handshake, I have already gathered mostly everything I need to know about you. Sorry, it’s nothing personal. Well, actually it might be, and we will get to that.


I don’t generally leave the house with a “network with me” sign on my back. But I do seem to get around. I must decide quickly who to keep in touch with and who to put in the circular file. Did you know that every recruiter, entrepreneur, executive, and hiring manager EVERYWHERE does the exact same thing? Are they judgmental too? Or are they simply pragmatic?


Most people give you ten seconds to make your first impression. That’s it. No one means to be cruel. It’s just that there are so many people to meet and so little time. Everyone wants to give their full attention to those that properly align with their goals. If you fail someone in the first ten seconds, how could they possibly want to get to know you more? So here’s the punch:


The conventional wisdom out there says that the first ten seconds after you introduce yourself are the most critical. I disagree. I say you have seven seconds before and as you walk up, and then three seconds before the person has formed the impression we are targeting. Let’s take a look at each. Read more…


What are your networking pet peeves? We’d love to hear!


Busy People Networking Strategies to Work a Room

A recent teleclass on “Networking that Produces Results Every Time” produced questions that I rarely get a chance to address except in a workshop or coaching session. Here are some of the questions that came up. Here are my thoughts…feel free to add your own comments!


1. How many people do you talk to at an event. Say there are 40 attendees (like a WEO meeting), how many new people do you speak to? On average, how long do you speak to each person?


My philosophy is that networking is about quality not quantity. Time is still of the essence but collecting a handful of cards that have no meaningful connection is not the goal.


  • I set a goal to make 3 quality connections at every event. I go prepared to ask questions that will help me create one of six potential successful outcomes. (See blog post “Networking that Produces Results Every Time” )

  • I plan to speak to each person 3-5 minutes and ask intelligent directed questions that will determine the next course of actionI follow up with those 3 people.

  • I may meet more and hope to have significant conversation. Depending on your business goal, you will determine what is significant for you.

2. What are some nice ways to disengage and move on?


1. If you’ve ever been stuck with a person who is self-promoting, selling you something, or in general, new to networking, this is your opportunity to model how good networking is done. Some techniques that have been successful for me are…a.)

a) I will ask (I may have to tactfully interrupt) who they would like to meet at the event and see if I can make an introduction.b.)

b)If they are in heavy “sales” mode, I will interrupt and gracefully let them know I am probably not a prospect for them. Since I know they are at the event to network I will let them mingle with other folks.


We’ve all be stuck in uncomfortable situations networking. My fellow net-workers, what are some of your suggestions?



Wild West was Won with Heart and Passion – Inspires Business Growth Initiatives for the New Economy

I am convinced that business done with heart and passion is the business that will endure.


I had the opportunity to visit Eastern Oregon last week as a keynote for a local business resource fair. I was WOW’d from the time I drove into town until 24 hours later when I left.



Baker City, Oregon in times far past held it’s claim as the premier social center with the largest population in Oregon. It’s residents are enamored with the beauty of the area and burst with pride at their history. For example, over 100 buildings in the downtown are over 100 years old. After hanging out with them for one day, I was sold!


It was the collaboration of several entities that brought this event into fruition. I believe it is this type of cooperation that will enable us to weather this storm and come out on the other side wiser, better positioned, and cared for in the process.


It is tough times that bring out the leader within!


My presentation covered many every day strategies to sharpen your entrepreneurial edge and do business in this new economy which I hoped inspired them as much as their efforts and outreach inspired me.


Let the lessons from the Wild West inspire you…


  • Travel with folks going your way. Hang out with positive, forward thinking people. Build your power team. Share the work.

  • When trouble comes. Circle the wagons. This is not to deny the recession we are in but rather to accept where we are and do what we can to make a difference in the world.

  • Keep moving toward the goal. You will be surprised at the difference in your ability to see bigger and take positive action when you see others finding success and opportunity just by their attitude.

I want to publicly commend the local players in Baker City who work together to serve their community.


Gene Stackle, B.E.G.I.N.; Ann MeHaffy, Historic Baker City, Inc.; Andrew Bryan, Baker County Development Corporation; Debi Bainter, Baker County Chamber of Commerce; Jake Jacobs, Small Business Development Center; and Linda Noble, Oregon Employment Department.


Wherever you are, there are resources like these and more! Working together we will get through!


Keep looking forward.


PS There are not many towns where you can visit the local wine bar to meet the reporter who wrote about you in the local paper…where he was the entertainment! Ed Merriman with the Baker City Herald is not only a talented reporter but also musician. Thanks, Ed for all your efforts on our behalf.


If you ever get to Baker City, the first Friday is the Gallery Crawl. This is a VERY fun way to spend the evening. The Geiser Grand Hotel is a must visit for the restaurant or lodging. Start your day at Mad Matilda’s for coffee and the Earth & Vine for a night cap.

Secrets of Super Connectors

Networking secrets are not news these days. Everyone seems to have their own bag of tricks. I’ve developed a few of my own strategies based two things. 

  1. Results from networking badly…and well.

    I’ve used networking as a warm cold calling technique in my early years with mediocre results that left me feeling like a sleazy sales person. I shifted mindsets when I had a big goal in mind and discovered how to network for mutual benefit and explore opportunities, resources, and needs. In doing so I unlocked an exponential stream of new business, partners, and a personal brand. i.e. I doubled my sales in one year and launched a successful consulting practice using professional networking strategies.

  2. Looking at folks I aspire to emulate.

    Harvey MacKay “Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty” clearly articulates C-level networking strategies and tactics that every person can learn from. Bob Burg is another who really gets it. His book “The Go Giver” talks about a powerful business idea. Serving others is the intention behind the idea of Super Connecting!


Secrets of Super Connectors
(behaviors practiced until they become unconsciously competent)

Here is a quick assessment for you…


  • Are you showing up in the right places?

  • Are you being “seen” by the right folks?

  • Where do your natural referral sources or related professions gather?

  • Keep in mind, if you are out of sight, you are out of mind.


  • Are you believable?

  • Do you appear…knowledgeable? successful? able to deliver?

  • What would increase your credibility factor?

“Value” Trail

  • Are you repeating the same old worn out networking lines? 

  • Find a fresh perspective. Ask better questions.

  • Get curious. Determine to learn more how you can be of service.

  • Be ready with helpful information. You have a wealth of knowledge within you. Everyday! 

Closing thought:

For those of you who are super connectors, reach out and connect UP. Who don’t you know but really want to know but are a little intimidated by? See if you can gain an introduction from someone in your network. Return the favor.


For those of you who are new to networking, reach out and follow up. Ask those you connect with for common mistakes to avoid, shortcuts, or insights they might share. Again, return the favor if you have some insights to share.


If you’d like to join my larger network here are a couple of options.

  1. Follow me on Twitter.

  2. Connect with me on Linked In.

  3. Connect with me on Biznik

Have your own ideas about what makes a super connector?  I’d love to hear!  Please comment.


In the meantime, Happy Networking!


What makes Super Connectors different?

Super connectors are strategically visible, credible and leave a “value trail”.

Step it Up! Maximize Your Marketing Dollars

Extremes seem to be the norm these days. Doom and gloom or opportunities around every corner. I am in a unique position to hear the buzz in networking circles…both good and bad.


I’ve heard folks pulling out of organizations, cancelling advertising, and waiting until things clear up to make new choices in marketing their businesses. I hear others stepping up their marketing efforts to capture market share and take advantage in this new economy.


What is your take? What are you doing differently? I am curious.


This blog unpacks a few tactics and offers some tools to make smarter decisions with your dollars and time!


Let’s talk advertising!


Arleen McClean with WorkSmarter offers these tips to Three Costly Advertising Mistakes.


Mistake #1: Not Tracking for Return on Investment:


Advertising is used to build awareness (branding) or generate leads. To determine if advertising is a good investment for your business, consider the following:

  1. Are your competitors advertising?

  2. Do you want to increase your market share and improve sales?

  3. Are you forfeiting profit because you have unsold inventory that can’t be sold in the future. (Vacant airplane seats, apartments that are un-rented, time that isn’t filled with prospects…all translate into lost profits!)

  4. Is your average sale large enough to justify advertising and create a positive return on investment ratio? (For example, a car dealer making $3,000 on each vehicle sale can spend $9,000 a month on advertising and reasonably expect to sell 9 cars a month for a 3-1 R.O.I.)

Bottom Line: Have a clear sense of what you want the advertising to do. Ask your media representative to explain the kind of results you might expect and to show you any success stories they have from other businesses like yours. Good media reps can also provide you with statistical information that will help you find the people you want to reach.


Mistake #2: Ignoring the Emotional / Logical Message:


People buy based on emotion and logic. Whether advertising in print, radio, television, or online your selling messages need the following elements:


  1. An Emotional Hook
    Emotionally connecting with the audience in the first five seconds is critical. The headline or text should draw people in and make them curious enough to read further.

  2. Logical Reassurance
    Next, the emotional connection is complimented by the logical reasons why someone should seek out this particular advertiser to solve a specific problem.

  3. Call to Action
    Finally, the ad needs to evoke a response. This “call to action” can be as simple as listing a web site or the price of an item.

  4. Urgency
    One key item that is often overlooked in writing ads is creating urgency. Urgency can be created by limiting statements like “space is limited” or listing specific deadlines of the end of a sale.

  5. Focus
    It isn’t about you. The message is not about you – it’s about how you solve a problem for the prospect.

Bottom Line: Consistently track to see which selling messages get the most phone calls and translate into the highest number of sales. Ask callers to tell you what they identified most with in the commercial.



Writing compelling copy that induces sales is tricky and requires skills. If you’re doing it yourself, seek objective feedback. If the media you work with doesn’t have a dedicated commercial copywriter, consider hiring someone like Work Smarter to write the advertising for you. It’s a small price to pay for such a critical part to your advertising success.


Mistake #3: Too Little Too Late


If you’ve ‘tried advertising once and it didn’t work’ it’s often due to mistakes made in this area. Finding the right place to advertise and knowing how to purchase the advertising is critical.


Too Little: Research shows that people need to hear or see an ad a minimum of three times before they act. When I schedule ads for my clients, I put a concentration of ads in a narrow block of time (5 a.m. – 10 a.m.) instead of allowing ads to run as ‘broad rotators’ (5 a.m. – 8 p.m.). The equivalent in newspaper advertising is to place your ad in the same section of the newspaper each time.


Too Late: It takes time to fine tune the advertising process, so don’t wait until your business is in critical condition before you start advertising. In today’s economic climate people are also taking longer to make buying decisions. So while a percentage of the people are looking for your product or service today, most a not. That’s why it’s important to consistently advertise – to build awareness of your name so that when they are looking for your product or service, they call you!


Bottom Line: Advertising can provide a steady stream of leads to your business if done correctly. For more information or to discuss your specific needs, call Arleen McClean of Work Smarter at (503) 449-4830.


Let’s talk Networking!


Here is a little tidbit from me….


I believe networking is the most under-utilized tactic to grow business and open doors to new opportunities! Here are some common mistakes I observe that minimize any results networking efforts could produce.


  1. No clear value proposition.

  2. No expressed confidence, passion, or desire to serve.

  3. No follow up.

  4. Think networking is all about them.

  5. Lack of desire to connect.

  6. Don’t listen.

  7. Don’t ask questions.

  8. Talk too much.

  9. Inconsistent messages from business attire to collateral to verbal cues.

  10. No time for relationship building.

Sound like anyone you know? The secret to networking success is simply to flip the equation. People do business with those they know, like, and trust. Bring yourself to your networking activities. Don’t pull back!

Social Networking!
Speaking to those of you on the edge..dipping your toes. Can Social Networking work for you? Let’s see…

  • Do you build relationships and have conversations with your customers, prospects, and network?

  • Do you tap into others experience, resources, and ideas?

  • Do you make introductions to others?

  • Do you share your expertise one on one, in small groups, or in larger forums?

  • Do you have a website?

Then yes…it can work for you! Social networking is simply another set of tools to reach an extended group of people. The secret is in taking on the right tool, investing time to understand it’s impact and then maintaining it.

If you have not taken the plunge yet, start with completing your LinkedIn profile and inviting a few friends to join your network. This always stimulates some conversation.

  • Already on LinkedIn? Check out some of the questions and respond in the areas of your expertise.

  • A solopreneur or small business, check out Biznik.

Like you, I am tentatively reaching out into the arena of social networking to see where the best use of time can be found. What I am learning is that if you DON’T begin to build a presence online that extends beyond your website, you may be caught behind the curve.


In the end…it is all about time, money, and return on investment. Evaluate, maximize, and in the end…eliminate or add. Stop doing what doesn’t work and step up what does.



Attitude is Everything. Are you "Open for Business?"

I know you are probably as sick as I am of the news, negativity, and general hand-wringing. Here is what I know. Attitude is everything.


I spoke for a small group of focused individuals at the Portland Business Forum yesterday on the topic, “Networking Strategies to Recession Proof your Business”. As I was preparing for this short 25 minute talk, I was reminded of the power and simplicity embedded in smart business practices and a focused mindset. The content was so well received I wanted to share it with you.


If you haven’t noticed, talk of recession creates constriction. Physically, emotionally, and psychologically. That constriction subconsciously causes us to withdraw. If you are in business or sales, you can’t afford to withdraw at this critical time! Being seen and trusted is essential.


Here are 3 keys to get grounded, stay connected and move forward in challenging times.


  • First, find your faith. It is easy to lose confidence in yourself, your service, or product anytime there is a shift in the market. Compound that with the media and peer conversations and you are left with a huge load of self doubt and fear. Go back to what you know. Your customers need a voice of reason during this volatile season. You have a passion, talent, or product that serves a market segment. What is it? Find the positives in your industry. Communicate that hope with confidence and understanding. Don’t lose sight of what you do well.

  • Next, get focused. Focus applies to the three key areas that affect your profit and sales.

  1. Stick to your core expertise. If you choose to expand your scope, look at strategic partnering, joint ventures, sub-contracting, or refer. You can’t afford to be distracted doing things you don’t do well and can’t be profitable. This may require repackaging your core expertise to appeal to the buyers mindset but stay true to your offering. Don’t chase dollars.

  2. Stick with your bull’s eye. Target prospects and customers who value your service and product and have need for what you do in the near future. Don’t know who that is anymore? Go back to basics.

  3. Don’t waste energy. Watch who you hang out with, where you spend your time, and what you read. Be selective. You can’t afford to the roller coaster of emotions and maintain your position as a leader. Focus on finding like minded people who are not participating in the recession mindset, who are moving forward, and who are adapting.

  • Lastly, follow up. Your customers need to hear from you. Not just to sell them something but with sincere interest to see how they are doing. Your professional network needs the same type of contact. The follow up is where you will learn key information on buying trends, needs, and opportunities.

I am not promoting the ostrich approach! This is not about putting your head in the sand and ignoring what is going on. There is a basis of truth in the negative reports and some industries are hit harder than others. But opportunities still abound.


Bottom line, business is still being done. It is being done by those who are reaching out, engaging in conversations, and filling the gap with a voice of reason. That can be you. Decide to be “Open for Business”


Define your Terms to Create More Sales

When I first discovered Linked In a few years ago I made a determination that it was a valuable resource for those looking for jobs or searching for employees. It was a perfect way to introduce people I knew looking for contacts within larger companies but didn’t seem to have a fit for marketing smaller businesses. Well….as with most social networks LinkedIn is being morphing by its users. We are making their infrastructure work to meet their needs.


Here is an example. I received an unusual request to connect last week from Jennifer Nguyen, CEO of Citinannies who found me on Linked In, researched my site and emailed me directly. This request was unique in that she wasn’t trying to sell me something (like some who’ve cold called me through my Linked In profile) but framed her request in a tactful intelligent way. Of course I responded immediately and had a highly productive conversation. I thought you might like to see how she framed the invitation to connect.


Dear Kathie –I know we both have a lot going on with our professional and private lives….being is busy is good I suppose in our fast paced world. My name is Jennifer and I wanted to formally introduce myself to you. I would love hear more about your business. Would you like to take 10-15 minutes on this Thursday or Friday to collaborate or brainstorm ideas how we can help each other? Let me know what time/day it is convenient for you or just feel free to me on my direct line anytime on Thursday or Friday. If you are not available those days, let me know what day is best for you next week.


I am looking forward to talking with you! Thank you for being my linked-in connection.


Jennifer Nguyen – Citinannies


I learned Citinannies offers more than a nanny directory and is looking for strategic partners for potential expansion to new areas. Plus learned she has another business she is looking to launch and may need some strategic direction that I might be able to help her with.


Overall this was a great experience and one I hope to duplicate from my end. What about you? Would connecting with strategic partners through LinkedIn or your other social networks be of value to you? Think about ways you might connect. If you’ve already had a great experience. Please share!


Networking Makes the World Small



I had the unexpected pleasure this week of encountering several women who are part of my social network in a far away place, Dallas, Texas. Imagine the feeling of seeing someone you’ve been watching online, read their articles and regularly read their newsletter…but have never met in person. I found myself this past week, walking through the eWomen Network trade show when I caught a glimpse of a familiar profile. You should know I came to this event knowing only one person, my mother. (But that is another story.) Surprised to find someone I might know, I touched the woman’s arm to get a better look and discovered Nancy Juetten of Main Street Media Savvy from Seattle in her signature blue dress.,


Again, I had never met her in person, only seen her online. Based on the content of her website, articles on Biznik and e-newsletter, I refer clients to her fairly regularly so you can imagine my surprise to meeting her in person.Later that weekend, I found Nancy in a huddle with some women from Seattle and met Marcia Brixey, author of The Money Therapist and Lori Richardson of Score More Sales.


Again, both only online acquaintances, we had a chance throughout the weekend to connect and learn more about each others goals and specialty.After this experience, I am challenged to pick up the phone and call those I follow online. Better yet, if they are within proximity, I will travel to where they are. I am confident the alliances we began this weekend through the extended personal connection will pay off for all.


The small world phenomenon is rampant in the Portland Metro area leading me to state my belief that in this town there are only three degrees of separation rather than six but this is my first out of state scenario.


What about you? Have you experienced the small world outcome of great networking? Tell us more!