Secrets of Super Connectors

Networking secrets are not news these days. Everyone seems to have their own bag of tricks. I’ve developed a few of my own strategies based two things. 

  1. Results from networking badly…and well.

    I’ve used networking as a warm cold calling technique in my early years with mediocre results that left me feeling like a sleazy sales person. I shifted mindsets when I had a big goal in mind and discovered how to network for mutual benefit and explore opportunities, resources, and needs. In doing so I unlocked an exponential stream of new business, partners, and a personal brand. i.e. I doubled my sales in one year and launched a successful consulting practice using professional networking strategies.

  2. Looking at folks I aspire to emulate.

    Harvey MacKay “Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty” clearly articulates C-level networking strategies and tactics that every person can learn from. Bob Burg is another who really gets it. His book “The Go Giver” talks about a powerful business idea. Serving others is the intention behind the idea of Super Connecting!


Secrets of Super Connectors
(behaviors practiced until they become unconsciously competent)

Here is a quick assessment for you…


  • Are you showing up in the right places?

  • Are you being “seen” by the right folks?

  • Where do your natural referral sources or related professions gather?

  • Keep in mind, if you are out of sight, you are out of mind.


  • Are you believable?

  • Do you appear…knowledgeable? successful? able to deliver?

  • What would increase your credibility factor?

“Value” Trail

  • Are you repeating the same old worn out networking lines? 

  • Find a fresh perspective. Ask better questions.

  • Get curious. Determine to learn more how you can be of service.

  • Be ready with helpful information. You have a wealth of knowledge within you. Everyday! 

Closing thought:

For those of you who are super connectors, reach out and connect UP. Who don’t you know but really want to know but are a little intimidated by? See if you can gain an introduction from someone in your network. Return the favor.


For those of you who are new to networking, reach out and follow up. Ask those you connect with for common mistakes to avoid, shortcuts, or insights they might share. Again, return the favor if you have some insights to share.


If you’d like to join my larger network here are a couple of options.

  1. Follow me on Twitter.

  2. Connect with me on Linked In.

  3. Connect with me on Biznik

Have your own ideas about what makes a super connector?  I’d love to hear!  Please comment.


In the meantime, Happy Networking!


What makes Super Connectors different?

Super connectors are strategically visible, credible and leave a “value trail”.