Get your life back! Calendar Control for Busy People

Trying to get your life back under control?

  1. Keep a time log for a week. Be honest and diligent. Track every 30 minutes.
  2. Print two blank calendars either by week or by month.
    • List all your current commitments on one.
    • On the other list only those commitments that are directly related to the priorities in your life or critical to goal achievement.
  3. Review your time log. Review your calendars. Review your goals and priorities. Be honest with yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. Keep moving forward.

Based on what you learned:

  1. Create “rules” or best practices for yourself. i.e. I set a time for task using the Pomodoro technique. (Google it.) Start calls announcing the amount of time you’ve allotted and stick to it. Don’t let other people’s emergencies run your life.

  2. Reconnect to the picture of your ideal life. If you want to go crazy…picture your outrageous, over the top life! Swim in what that life and relationships look like, feel like, sound like… Picture a calendar that supports that lifestyle and take action accordingly.

Begin to view your calendar like a checkbook register. Every block of time is an investment in something. If you are not managing your calendar on purpose you will accidentally get something you may not like.

“Every minute spent in planning saves nine in execution.” Brian Tracy

“Without vision, people perish” Proverb

“People find the the time, money, and resources to do what they really want to do (for the most part). If you don’t want it badly enough, you won’t make time for it.” Kathie Nelson

Productivity Apps, Tools, and Products



A fresh new year beckons you. I guarantee it will be different than your last. It’s due season for a shift. Put last year in your rear view mirror and set your sights on making your future your reality.


Here are a couple of tidbits & tools I’ve discovered I want to pass on to you.

  • Google Hangouts on Air – The power of video for the everyday thought leader. I follow Jason Wiser, Get on Track- Stay on Track, Ronnie Bincer, The Hangout Helper, to name a few.

  • Evernote – This may be old hat to you but I am a slow adopter for most technology as I want to bugs worked out before I get it. I am totally hooked on Evernote. PC or Mac. Works on any device or tablet. Notes in the cloud. Huge time saver.

  • Track your mileage. Client, Mary Burger at the Computer Diva. These will save me a boat load of time.

  • The Business Source Book Summaries – IMC member rate $39. Time savings worth the price to stay caught up with thought leaders.

  • Schedule Once – This is the best online scheduler I’ve ever used. This time saver can be used free or for a low cost for a branded version.

  • Google Suggest – How would you like Google to auto-suggest you when someone is searching for your product or service? I worked with my strategic partner & friend, Jon Muranko, Marketing By Permission to do this for me. Amazing! Email me if you want more info.

  • Seth Godin’s “Create Your Own 7-Part Leverage Plan” – Seth typically nails it when it comes to simplifying business concepts. I got this just because I like hearing what he’s thinking about.

Do you have some recommendations? Please share them with us!


Productivity matters – What's not getting done costs you.



You are golden.


Anything that compromises your ability to lead or deliver costs you.


Think about it. Your compensation is directly related to your ability to lead, deliver results, create experiences or implement a process. Really! This applies to the entrepreneur as well as employee. If your revenue is not where it should be, close the gap in what you are able to deliver.  


Don’t let the summer distractions keep you from gaining ground this year.

  • Block intentional time for work and play.

  • Be purposeful about saying NO.

  • Invest time now to build your future.

  • Consider the cost of what is NOT getting done now.

  • Commit to radical execution and real life simplicity.


Execution and implementation moves the machine of your business. You want more customers, to increase sales, cash flow, profit, connections and impact. And you want it yesterday. Vision & strategy has its place but at some point, the work has to get done. Even if it isn’t done by you, it’s driven by your vision, passion, and purpose.


Hints for summer productivity payoffs:


  1. Block time for every activity. Even if you do so in “real-time” (as you go) set the clock. i.e. 15 minutes to review and reply to email, 10 minutes to review and update social media, 30 minutes to write a blog post or outline a chapter of your book, 20 minutes to make follow up calls, etc.

  2. Increase meeting productivity. Ask for an agenda, create a shared objective, or state your desired outcomes. Then, watch the clock and give periodic check in’s. i.e. I see we have 20 minutes left in this meeting and our goal was to cover XYZ.

  3. Increase project productivity. Set a time block. Ask yourself the impact of the completed project or activity. Evaluate your action plan to complete. Can it be simplified? If not, then GO! Get’r done.

  4. Follow up with your peeps. It’s never too late and summer is a great time to reconnect. Host a small gathering. Get out of your office. To squeeze more connections in, schedule a video call in Skype of Google Hangouts. (It’s the next best thing to being there.)What do you want more of?

What do you want less of? Where’s your focus?


What gets your attention, gets you. ~Lance Wallnau, Executive Coach


Make this summer count!