Get your life back! Calendar Control for Busy People

Trying to get your life back under control?

  1. Keep a time log for a week. Be honest and diligent. Track every 30 minutes.
  2. Print two blank calendars either by week or by month.
    • List all your current commitments on one.
    • On the other list only those commitments that are directly related to the priorities in your life or critical to goal achievement.
  3. Review your time log. Review your calendars. Review your goals and priorities. Be honest with yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. Keep moving forward.

Based on what you learned:

  1. Create “rules” or best practices for yourself. i.e. I set a time for task using the Pomodoro technique. (Google it.) Start calls announcing the amount of time you’ve allotted and stick to it. Don’t let other people’s emergencies run your life.

  2. Reconnect to the picture of your ideal life. If you want to go crazy…picture your outrageous, over the top life! Swim in what that life and relationships look like, feel like, sound like… Picture a calendar that supports that lifestyle and take action accordingly.

Begin to view your calendar like a checkbook register. Every block of time is an investment in something. If you are not managing your calendar on purpose you will accidentally get something you may not like.

“Every minute spent in planning saves nine in execution.” Brian Tracy

“Without vision, people perish” Proverb

“People find the the time, money, and resources to do what they really want to do (for the most part). If you don’t want it badly enough, you won’t make time for it.” Kathie Nelson

Productivity matters – What's not getting done costs you.



You are golden.


Anything that compromises your ability to lead or deliver costs you.


Think about it. Your compensation is directly related to your ability to lead, deliver results, create experiences or implement a process. Really! This applies to the entrepreneur as well as employee. If your revenue is not where it should be, close the gap in what you are able to deliver.  


Don’t let the summer distractions keep you from gaining ground this year.

  • Block intentional time for work and play.

  • Be purposeful about saying NO.

  • Invest time now to build your future.

  • Consider the cost of what is NOT getting done now.

  • Commit to radical execution and real life simplicity.


Execution and implementation moves the machine of your business. You want more customers, to increase sales, cash flow, profit, connections and impact. And you want it yesterday. Vision & strategy has its place but at some point, the work has to get done. Even if it isn’t done by you, it’s driven by your vision, passion, and purpose.


Hints for summer productivity payoffs:


  1. Block time for every activity. Even if you do so in “real-time” (as you go) set the clock. i.e. 15 minutes to review and reply to email, 10 minutes to review and update social media, 30 minutes to write a blog post or outline a chapter of your book, 20 minutes to make follow up calls, etc.

  2. Increase meeting productivity. Ask for an agenda, create a shared objective, or state your desired outcomes. Then, watch the clock and give periodic check in’s. i.e. I see we have 20 minutes left in this meeting and our goal was to cover XYZ.

  3. Increase project productivity. Set a time block. Ask yourself the impact of the completed project or activity. Evaluate your action plan to complete. Can it be simplified? If not, then GO! Get’r done.

  4. Follow up with your peeps. It’s never too late and summer is a great time to reconnect. Host a small gathering. Get out of your office. To squeeze more connections in, schedule a video call in Skype of Google Hangouts. (It’s the next best thing to being there.)What do you want more of?

What do you want less of? Where’s your focus?


What gets your attention, gets you. ~Lance Wallnau, Executive Coach


Make this summer count!




Making Changing Times Work for You

These changing times are forcing most of us to figure out how to do more with less. This means we are adopting new ways of doing things. Not only to save money but also to adjust how we serve our customers on a consistent basis. We are doing this while maintaining an insanely rapid pace in an environment of uncertainty. It is no wonder we are working harder and longer to stay on top of our game!


I will confess I am a big-time multi-tasker…always have been. The current environment has me in hyper drive. I recently came across a study that shows multi-tasking drops your efficiency by 44%. This stopped me in my tracks. I immediately internalized and asked myself, “Can I afford to have my efficiency reduced by 44%?” The answer is a big NO! Can you?


This got me thinking. Can anything be done to change this trend? I optimistically and emphatically say YES! Since I am in the middle of this personally and coaching clients who are adjusting as well, here is what I know.


Changing this trend boils down to three things:


  • Determination

  • Time

  • Desired outcomes



An overused but nonetheless valid quote from Einstein defines insanity as doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results. Are you ready to stop the insanity? This requires determination. This is the point when you commit to change and say to yourself, “I determine that I will make the necessary change to shift my mindset and the activities that are producing the current result.”This is both an internal and external commitment. This level of personal change only occurs when you are willing to be brutally honest with yourself.


Take a moment right now and ask yourself the following:


  • What is the mindset or belief system that contributes to my current state? i.e What do I say to myself when I think about what is going on in the world? Or with my customers? Or with the opportunities available to me?

  • What are the activities I tolerate that sabotage my desired outcomes? i.e. Do I know my highest payoff activities to move me toward my desired outcome? Is this where I spend my time? Do I make excuses or blame the situation, environment or other people for my current state?



A recent survey by Microsoft shows most people actually use 60% or less of available work time. This means out a 5 day work week, we have only 3 productive days. I find this statistic a little scary!


A truth that has had tremendous impact on my own calendar philosophy is from Brian Tracy’s 101 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business. He states, “Every minute spent in planning saves nine in execution.” Once I began to practice leveraged time scheduled around my life strategy I began to experience balance for the first time. Interestingly enough it was also while I experienced explosive growth in my business.


It has become apparent with this year’s economic environment that how you leverage time requires fresh evaluation when major change occurs. When this first came to my attention I said to myself, “OK. I know what to do now. This is the logical next step.” But, what I found is that the speed at which I operate in the current environment increased the challenge to make the time for this tremendously high payoff activity. And, don’t kid yourself. It takes quality time to reflect at the level that truly shifts our perspective.


Here is a “behind the curtain” peek at what’s going on in my operation right now. Connectworks has been growing as we adapt our offerings to the market and dig deeper in our niche. We’ve added new people to the team. It is crystal clear that if my calendar doesn’t change I will wear myself out and not reach my desired outcome. While it is fun and exciting right now, this is not going to serve me, the team, or my customers in the long haul. And I am in this for the long haul.


I am asking myself the same questions as I challenge you:


  • What are truly my highest payoff activities? These are the activities that give me the greatest return on my time investment and only I can do. After all, can I afford to be 44% less efficient?

  • Have my core values changed? In addition to my commitment to delivering over-the-top service to my clients, I value my family, friends, continuous learning, and fun. Fun for me translates to a variety of activities from gardening to travel to watching movies.

  • What values and outcomes are compromised by my current mode of scheduling? My goal is to translate this to a cost either in dollars and cents or relationships to increase the pain of knowing I am continuing a behavior that no longer serves my desired outcome.

  • If I had an ideal weekly or monthly calendar, what would it look like? What filters would I put in place to keep the non-productive tasks or activities at bay?

Desired Outcome


It is no secret that when times change we are forced to adapt. The daily grind keeps us in denial that the only constant…is change! Now is the perfect time to stop, reflect and update your desired outcomes. What do you REALLY want? What matters most to you, right now? What is your vision of success in each area of your life? We are whole people, not just our job. It is important to view our calendar and goals from a holistic perspective. Take into account that how we do anything affects everything personally and professionally.


Ask yourself in light of these changing times, what are my desired outcomes?


  • Professionally? What are the desired outcome(s) for my work/career

  • Relationally? What are the desired outcomes from my relationships, both at work and at home?

  • Personally? What are the desired outcomes for me in the personal arena, financially, environmentally, etc.?

At the end of the day, these changing times prompt us to re-evaluate what matters most. What matters most to you? Your determination will create a focus that gets you out of your own way…because your time is your life. When we are on the other side of this economic cycle, what would you like to observe about yourself when you look back? Make it count.


The Little Things Can Make a BIG Difference

Sometimes the processes or activities in our business that seem insignificant can leverage some big results. At Hip Chicks do Wine last month we found some simple things that when implemented, immediately impacted their sales.


One of the tactics we take when helping our clients find growth opportunities is to look at the way their customers want to do business with them. This usually brings to light some pretty simple ways to make the buying process easier for more customers.


A recent example comes to mind. When working with Hip Chicks is an urban winery located in the heart of Portland. In addition to making wine on-site, they offer seasonal events, tasting, in-house events and most of what you expect when you visit a winery out in the country. They have fun labels and some really good wine. Laurie Lewis and Renee Neely, the Hip Chicks, are the winemakers and the personalities that create the experience.


We discovered a couple of things pretty quickly that would invite and enable their customers to gain more of the Hip Chicks experience, such as:


  1. Posting a sign that says “We ship wine”. They do. Always have. But out of sight, out of mind. With many of their patrons being tourists, this reminder is an easy way to encourage taking the Hip Chicks experience home.

  2. Offering and notifying patrons that they can waive the tasting fee with purchase of 6 bottles of wine. Typically, patrons in the tasting room purchase a bottle or two. With the purchase of six and the credit for the tasting fee, the patron saves 10-15%. This type of savings is typically reserved for purchases of 12 bottles or more.


This idea is so fun due to its simplicity. Finding growth opportunities in the little things are usually very easy to implement and typically low cost with high impact!


What about your business? Think about the buying process for your customer. What are some things you might do to make it easier for your customers to do business with you?


Happy Selling!