Who's really keeping you from getting what you want? Take personal responsibility.

Who, me?


I find I am talking to two types of people most of the time. The first group is burning to turn their new ideas into money. The second group of leaders are focused on increasing effectiveness of their current business model and teams. Do you fall into one of these groups?


If so, I am talking to you.


The upcoming summer months provide a perfect opportunity to “uplevel” whatever you are doing in time for Fall. That’s right. Take personal responsibility to bring your performance up a level. Instead of taking your foot off the gas over the summer simply switch gears to invest some time in planning. You will be glad you did. Pssst! This is one of the secret short-cuts to goal achievement.


Start by assessing the gap between where you are today and where you want to be.


  • What is working well now?

  • What is not working well now?

  • What needs to change?

    • What do I need to add?

    • What do I need to stop doing?

Next, take personal responsibility for whatever you want to bring into your life and business. Yes, you.


  • If you aren’t making enough money, you can point your finger at the economy, those darn customers, your network, your partners but…ultimately YOU are the key.

  • If you don’t have enough sales, you can point your finger at your team, the economy, your network, those darn customers but….ultimately YOU are the key.

  • If your team or network is not productive, effective, or communicative you can point your finger at the team or network, the pressure, or all kinds of external influences but…ultimately YOU are the key.

  • If you don’t have enough time to do what to do what needs to be done, you can blame it on everyone else but…ultimately YOU are the key.

Notice a theme here?


I attended an event last week. The speaker asked us, “What is getting in the way of getting what you want, RIGHT NOW?” My immediate response was, “I don’t have time to get what I need done which leaves loose ends. I keep circling back which BOGS ME DOWN.” Why does that happen? Because my calendar gets overbooked. In that private moment, I almost laughed out loud. Who do you think is at fault? Me. I am in charge of what gets on my calendar. Whoooaaaa. This should not be an earth shattering revelation but the truth hit me. I am a victim of my own Big Picture thinking, my overly optimistic view of time, and the learning curve taking on things I’ve never done before. I had to ask myself, “Who can change this?” Well, of course, it’s me.


Short version of the story, I immediately began paring my calendar and downsizing my short term vision to bite sized chunks that I could complete. A weight lifted off my shoulders as I took personal responsibility and moved from a dis-empowered state to one of control.


So, my prompt to you today is to take some time to assess your gap.


  • Where are you?

  • Where do you want to be?

  • What needs to change?

  • Be accountable and take responsibility for where you are and commit to the change you need to see.

Need a sounding board? Feel free to reach out to one of our team members for a Laser Session here.


The time is now.


When you operate in a dis-empowered state you deprive your community of your best self.


It’s cool to be you, every day. Get out there and share your gifts.a