Faith, Fear and Balance

What gets dreamers going? Faith.


What holds dreamers back? Fear.


What is faith? The gut-wrenching belief in something you can see, feel, taste, and touch in your minds eye but hasn’t actually happened yet.


What is fear? The doubts. inadequacies, and internal messaging that shows up while we journey the contradiction of the current reality. Fear is multiplied when we get around other “unbelievers” or those who don’t share faith in you or your dream (the ability to believe in something that is unseen).


What does balance have to do with this equation? The myth we buy into that balance is a worthy aspiration on the way to making big things happen is just that. A BIG FAT MYTH!


What if…

  1. your belief about balance is the very thing that is holding you back?

  2. the time you spend with those who don’t share your vision impedes your rate of growth?

  3. not being grounded


Pursuit of your dream or any business venture requires you to be fully committed, doing whatever it takes to make things happen. Does this mean you need to sacrifice your life or the very things you value in the process? No way!


According to Motivational Guru Jim Rohn, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If that’s the case, shouldn’t you be choosing your friends wisely? You can afford to be hanging around naysayers.


Instead aspire to:


  • find harmony as you journey the contradiction until you arrive at your destination. Harmony represents the ebb and flow, the subtle dance, a person centered, grounded in their values, their vision, and the value they bring to the world.

  • jump in with both feet. Work when you are working. Play when you are playing. Fully commit and let faith guide the dream in your heart.

  • make fear irrelevant. Hang out with other “believers”. Leaders who live in the space of faith. If it’s true that you are the average of the 5 people you hang around with, what’s the average you want to be? Find your peeps.

  • forget balance. Above all, be present and let your vision change your reality.

Surprise yourself. Pursue the outrageous to discover more than you could ask or imagine*.


*Excerpt from “I Want What She’s Got! The Secrets to Creating an Outrageous Life”.



The Importance of Being Grounded

As I turned on the news this morning to check the weather the first sound bite I heard, “The political season is off and running. The contenders are no longer throwing mud at the President but are now taking shots at each other. We can expect the flurry to continue.”



Boy, on top of the hurricanes, tropical storms, and earthquakes on the East Coast and fires in the South, the economy and news of a divisive political race, (which seems to be the norm these days), it is enough to leave you shaken.


Here is what I am telling my clients and network now.


  • The economic situation: All the money has not been sucked out of the universe. Money is still changing hands. Customers still need your services. If you step back and hold your breath, you will create a self fulfilling prophecy to support your belief that no one is buying.

  • The climate and natural disasters: Yes, crazy things are happening in the world. Now is the time to be prepared. 1. to take care of yourself and your family, 2. to take care of your neighbors. It is in the times of shaking that we are reminded we are all on this planet together. You get to decide if you are going to be the one who needs taking care of or one that will reach out and help others.

  • The political environment (which consequently effects our economy and outlook): Left, Right, Liberal, Independent, Tea Party, Conservative…labels we take up or put on others to separate, assign value or blame depending on where we personally align. We’ve degraded this benefit of living in a democracy so it divides us rather than unites us. I would hope that whatever your political views you have sound reason for choosing them and could discuss them dispassionately and ultimately agree to disagree with others who do not share your point of view. Imagine if we all could take this approach and play fairly how different each political season would be. We are all in this together. I challenge you to listen to another’s point of view without judgement. Do it again. And again. You could be the change you wish to see in the world. (I think someone said that already. -Ghandi)


Being grounded during times of shaking means having faith and personal accountability.


Faith is defined as “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see*.”


Todd Smith, author of “Little Things Matter”defines Personal Accountability as follows:


It’s about you holding yourself accountable.


When you take 100 percent responsibility for holding yourself accountable, your performance will improve, your relationships will flourish, your market value will soar, people’s respect for you will skyrocket, you will be a great example for others to follow, and your self-esteem will grow. (Excerpt from this blog post.)


This is true regardless of the circumstances. Todd talks about this ability in terms of achievement. I’d like to view it from its benefits of providing a sense of being grounded. When you take 100% personal responsibility for your life, you shift the locus of control from external (what happens to you) to internal (what you do with it). Mastering this ability will serve you well in EVERY area of your life, in EVERY season, and EVERY circumstance.


Faith is believing in things hoped for. What do you hope for? Can you hold yourself personally accountable to do the things YOU can do to make a difference?


In conclusion, when the world shifts…


  • economically: Your customers need you to be the voice of reason. To take the long term view of trends and help them through this season. Step into the void that is created when your competitors step back.

  • physically: Your neighbors need a hand. Reach out. Next time you are at the store pick up something for the food bank. Even one or two things. Shopping at a department store? Pick up blankets on sale. Everyone reading this blog has the ability to give either of their time or resources. Do it today.

  • politically: Don’t let someone’s political persuasion divide you. Choose to see the good in all parties and people then decide to make the best of any outcome. It’s time like these that strengthen our EQ** (Emotional Intelligence).

Don’t let fear shake you. Have faith and take action.


*Hebrews 11:1, NIV*


*Emotional intelligence (EI) is an ability, skill or, in the case of the trait EI model, a self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups -Wikipedia


Who's really keeping you from getting what you want? Take personal responsibility.

Who, me?


I find I am talking to two types of people most of the time. The first group is burning to turn their new ideas into money. The second group of leaders are focused on increasing effectiveness of their current business model and teams. Do you fall into one of these groups?


If so, I am talking to you.


The upcoming summer months provide a perfect opportunity to “uplevel” whatever you are doing in time for Fall. That’s right. Take personal responsibility to bring your performance up a level. Instead of taking your foot off the gas over the summer simply switch gears to invest some time in planning. You will be glad you did. Pssst! This is one of the secret short-cuts to goal achievement.


Start by assessing the gap between where you are today and where you want to be.


  • What is working well now?

  • What is not working well now?

  • What needs to change?

    • What do I need to add?

    • What do I need to stop doing?

Next, take personal responsibility for whatever you want to bring into your life and business. Yes, you.


  • If you aren’t making enough money, you can point your finger at the economy, those darn customers, your network, your partners but…ultimately YOU are the key.

  • If you don’t have enough sales, you can point your finger at your team, the economy, your network, those darn customers but….ultimately YOU are the key.

  • If your team or network is not productive, effective, or communicative you can point your finger at the team or network, the pressure, or all kinds of external influences but…ultimately YOU are the key.

  • If you don’t have enough time to do what to do what needs to be done, you can blame it on everyone else but…ultimately YOU are the key.

Notice a theme here?


I attended an event last week. The speaker asked us, “What is getting in the way of getting what you want, RIGHT NOW?” My immediate response was, “I don’t have time to get what I need done which leaves loose ends. I keep circling back which BOGS ME DOWN.” Why does that happen? Because my calendar gets overbooked. In that private moment, I almost laughed out loud. Who do you think is at fault? Me. I am in charge of what gets on my calendar. Whoooaaaa. This should not be an earth shattering revelation but the truth hit me. I am a victim of my own Big Picture thinking, my overly optimistic view of time, and the learning curve taking on things I’ve never done before. I had to ask myself, “Who can change this?” Well, of course, it’s me.


Short version of the story, I immediately began paring my calendar and downsizing my short term vision to bite sized chunks that I could complete. A weight lifted off my shoulders as I took personal responsibility and moved from a dis-empowered state to one of control.


So, my prompt to you today is to take some time to assess your gap.


  • Where are you?

  • Where do you want to be?

  • What needs to change?

  • Be accountable and take responsibility for where you are and commit to the change you need to see.

Need a sounding board? Feel free to reach out to one of our team members for a Laser Session here.


The time is now.


When you operate in a dis-empowered state you deprive your community of your best self.


It’s cool to be you, every day. Get out there and share your gifts.a


The Light Bulb Moment (Again)

Every once in a while someone asks you a simple question in such a way that the lights go on and reality becomes crystal clear. Your perception and understanding change in a split second.


I was sitting in a conference in Los Cabo Mexico last weekend with about 150 highly motivated people when I had that kind of epiphany. I was listening to the speaker talk about Level 10 Living. This was not the first time I had encountered these ideas but all the elements converged and the message really hit home.


It started with the statement:


“You attract to yourself what you are…not what you wish to be.”


He continued to say “When there is in-congruence in your environment, it is because there is a disconnect between who you are being and who you think you are”. Okay… I can live with that. I’ve worked really hard in the last 8 years to live a congruent life; being more of who I am instead of trying to be something I’m not and living according to my core values.


What the presenter said next was the light bulb moment.


“If there is chaos in your life it is because you’ve attracted it.”


Hmm. Maybe what’s going on in my life isn’t exactly chaos but I do tend to run on high octane walking the tight rope between being busily productive and speeds of Mach 10 with hair on fire. You get the picture. (Those of you who know me are grinning now.)


I began to think of the patterns and themes of my life. (A helpful exercise. If you’ve never done it…you might consider adding this activity to your next planning or meditation session.)


A similar “Aha! Moment” in the mid-90’s prompted a round of personal work examining my choices. I realized I was responsible for my choices and was able to get out of my own way by eliminating quite a bit of self defeating behavior. Within a short period of time I went from being a victim of my circumstances to being responsible for the direction of my life. As a matter of fact, the consulting practice I’ve built and coaching model I use today are a result of that initial epiphany.


I realized I was responsible for my choices and was able to eliminate quite a bit of my own self defeating behavior. Within a short period of time I went from being a victim of my circumstances to being responsible for the direction of my life. As a matter of fact, the consulting practice I’ve built and coaching model I use today are a result of that initial epiphany.I went from being stressed out, hard to live with, struggling with intense periods of depression to feeling in control, getting increased results with less effort, greater fulfillment and definitely being more fun! (You can learn how to identify and change self-defeating behavior in my e-book “The Busy People’s Guide to Getting UnStuck.”)


You may be asking, “If you learned the lesson once, why are you here again?” Good question! I realized I was at a new crossroads when I considered more of the reflection questions asked in Cabo.


“What emotion do I want more of in my life right now? Which do I want less of?”


For whatever reason I’d drifted into a space where I let external factors dictate my choices rather than choosing proactively and responsibly. When I looked at what was going on in my life, the people who were in it, where I was spending my time, the primary emotions on a daily basis, and how much of it created a chaos of sorts that was incongruent with my values, I had the punch in the gut. You know that feeling—the ache in your belly when you realize you are responsible for the situation you are in.


I got it…big time. My busyness factor had zoomed past “balanced” and was compromising my core values. I had a choice to make. It was within my ability to get back in charge of creating my environment and the experience for those around me. I’ve spent time every day since then thinking and making different choices.


The following questions were presented at the Level 10 Living Conference. These have been so helpful to me and I want to pass them on to you. Ask yourself:


Five years in the future: What and where will I be? What will I manifest?


Check your state: Am I a victim or responsible for my choices?


  1. What have I created in my life this far? What have I chosen that has created this reality? (Am I blaming external factors? Do I see that I chose my response or made an active decision that resulted in my current reality?)

  2. What am I choosing now on purpose to create a life I’ve never had?

  3. Who am I…really? Not just who I think I am. This is what will impact what is attracted to me so I’d better figure it out.

  4. What is the one thing in my life that is missing most at this point in time?

    • What emotion do I want more of?

    • What emotion do I want less of?

Bring this into short term perspective:


100 days from now what do you want in your life?


Picture yourself the first week in January 2010. What do you want in your business? What will you be doing? Feeling? Who will you be with?


What you want is within your reach…based on the choices you make right now. The results you get are up to you. Connectworks wants to partner with you to get what you want in the next 100 days. If you are interested in participating in a select focus group with ongoing follow up, please email us here. You will receive an intake form and instructions for the next step!

Networking 101: The Truth about What is Really Going On

I confess….I have a real love/hate relationship with networking. Don’t let your jaw hit the floor. It’s true!


I love it when it works. I hate it when it doesn’t. You know what I’m talking about.


I love it when I am in a group of like minded people who understand the value of connecting, discovering, and relationship building.




I hate it when I end up in a group populated with sales people selling me their wares before they know if I am a prospect OR on the other end of the phone with someone so sure we can refer business to each other if only we could just meet for coffee. If that’s you…don’t take offense. There is hope for you.


If you are in my camp with the same love/hate relationship. There is hope for us too. My mantra “Networking is NOT selling. It is the power of connecting for mutual benefit.” keeps me sane and focused. I networked badly with others who networked badly for years before I got smart. If I can do it I am confident others can learn it too.


“Networking 101: What Do You Mean “It Only Lasted Ten Seconds!? by Samuel I. Diener


You can call me judgmental. I am.


Once you have given me that first handshake, I have already gathered mostly everything I need to know about you. Sorry, it’s nothing personal. Well, actually it might be, and we will get to that.


I don’t generally leave the house with a “network with me” sign on my back. But I do seem to get around. I must decide quickly who to keep in touch with and who to put in the circular file. Did you know that every recruiter, entrepreneur, executive, and hiring manager EVERYWHERE does the exact same thing? Are they judgmental too? Or are they simply pragmatic?


Most people give you ten seconds to make your first impression. That’s it. No one means to be cruel. It’s just that there are so many people to meet and so little time. Everyone wants to give their full attention to those that properly align with their goals. If you fail someone in the first ten seconds, how could they possibly want to get to know you more? So here’s the punch:


The conventional wisdom out there says that the first ten seconds after you introduce yourself are the most critical. I disagree. I say you have seven seconds before and as you walk up, and then three seconds before the person has formed the impression we are targeting. Let’s take a look at each. Read more…


What are your networking pet peeves? We’d love to hear!


Making Changing Times Work for You

These changing times are forcing most of us to figure out how to do more with less. This means we are adopting new ways of doing things. Not only to save money but also to adjust how we serve our customers on a consistent basis. We are doing this while maintaining an insanely rapid pace in an environment of uncertainty. It is no wonder we are working harder and longer to stay on top of our game!


I will confess I am a big-time multi-tasker…always have been. The current environment has me in hyper drive. I recently came across a study that shows multi-tasking drops your efficiency by 44%. This stopped me in my tracks. I immediately internalized and asked myself, “Can I afford to have my efficiency reduced by 44%?” The answer is a big NO! Can you?


This got me thinking. Can anything be done to change this trend? I optimistically and emphatically say YES! Since I am in the middle of this personally and coaching clients who are adjusting as well, here is what I know.


Changing this trend boils down to three things:


  • Determination

  • Time

  • Desired outcomes



An overused but nonetheless valid quote from Einstein defines insanity as doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results. Are you ready to stop the insanity? This requires determination. This is the point when you commit to change and say to yourself, “I determine that I will make the necessary change to shift my mindset and the activities that are producing the current result.”This is both an internal and external commitment. This level of personal change only occurs when you are willing to be brutally honest with yourself.


Take a moment right now and ask yourself the following:


  • What is the mindset or belief system that contributes to my current state? i.e What do I say to myself when I think about what is going on in the world? Or with my customers? Or with the opportunities available to me?

  • What are the activities I tolerate that sabotage my desired outcomes? i.e. Do I know my highest payoff activities to move me toward my desired outcome? Is this where I spend my time? Do I make excuses or blame the situation, environment or other people for my current state?



A recent survey by Microsoft shows most people actually use 60% or less of available work time. This means out a 5 day work week, we have only 3 productive days. I find this statistic a little scary!


A truth that has had tremendous impact on my own calendar philosophy is from Brian Tracy’s 101 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business. He states, “Every minute spent in planning saves nine in execution.” Once I began to practice leveraged time scheduled around my life strategy I began to experience balance for the first time. Interestingly enough it was also while I experienced explosive growth in my business.


It has become apparent with this year’s economic environment that how you leverage time requires fresh evaluation when major change occurs. When this first came to my attention I said to myself, “OK. I know what to do now. This is the logical next step.” But, what I found is that the speed at which I operate in the current environment increased the challenge to make the time for this tremendously high payoff activity. And, don’t kid yourself. It takes quality time to reflect at the level that truly shifts our perspective.


Here is a “behind the curtain” peek at what’s going on in my operation right now. Connectworks has been growing as we adapt our offerings to the market and dig deeper in our niche. We’ve added new people to the team. It is crystal clear that if my calendar doesn’t change I will wear myself out and not reach my desired outcome. While it is fun and exciting right now, this is not going to serve me, the team, or my customers in the long haul. And I am in this for the long haul.


I am asking myself the same questions as I challenge you:


  • What are truly my highest payoff activities? These are the activities that give me the greatest return on my time investment and only I can do. After all, can I afford to be 44% less efficient?

  • Have my core values changed? In addition to my commitment to delivering over-the-top service to my clients, I value my family, friends, continuous learning, and fun. Fun for me translates to a variety of activities from gardening to travel to watching movies.

  • What values and outcomes are compromised by my current mode of scheduling? My goal is to translate this to a cost either in dollars and cents or relationships to increase the pain of knowing I am continuing a behavior that no longer serves my desired outcome.

  • If I had an ideal weekly or monthly calendar, what would it look like? What filters would I put in place to keep the non-productive tasks or activities at bay?

Desired Outcome


It is no secret that when times change we are forced to adapt. The daily grind keeps us in denial that the only constant…is change! Now is the perfect time to stop, reflect and update your desired outcomes. What do you REALLY want? What matters most to you, right now? What is your vision of success in each area of your life? We are whole people, not just our job. It is important to view our calendar and goals from a holistic perspective. Take into account that how we do anything affects everything personally and professionally.


Ask yourself in light of these changing times, what are my desired outcomes?


  • Professionally? What are the desired outcome(s) for my work/career

  • Relationally? What are the desired outcomes from my relationships, both at work and at home?

  • Personally? What are the desired outcomes for me in the personal arena, financially, environmentally, etc.?

At the end of the day, these changing times prompt us to re-evaluate what matters most. What matters most to you? Your determination will create a focus that gets you out of your own way…because your time is your life. When we are on the other side of this economic cycle, what would you like to observe about yourself when you look back? Make it count.


Cause and Effect of Productivity on Personal Finance

As I was working on an article today the opening paragraph compelled me to do more research which led to a fun discovery that I wanted to share with you.


My article opens with


Are you aware that studies show multi-tasking drops your efficiency by 44%? When I came across this statistic I stopped in my tracks. I am a multi-tasker…big-time. I immediately internalized this data and asked myself “can I really afford to have my efficiency affected by 44%?” The answer is a big NO! Can you?


Well in my search for statistics on time managment I came across this delightful read by Jeffery Strain on



He opens with “When it comes to personal finances, most people concentrate on saving and investing money. This can be a problem because issues that may not first appear to have much to do with personal finances can often have a dramatic affect on them. Productivity is just one of these.”


He goes on to share 44 ways to improve your productivity that are fun, practical and easy to implement. Read the 44 Ways here. In light of the fact so many are trying to do more with less I thought this might be of value to you.



The Gift that is You

I work with talented highly motivated people every day who are pursuing their dreams but are bogged down in the daily work of building a business. After spending a weekend at an executive coaching conference in Puerto Vallarta I gained some fresh perspective to see where I’d gotten bogged down in building mine.


Finding this blog post by Seth Godin, author of Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, was quite refreshing.


Here is a quick excerpt…


You matter

  • When you love the work you do and the people you do it with, you matter.

  • When you are so gracious and generous and aware that you think of other people before yourself, you matter.

  • When you leave the world a better place than you found it, you matter.

  • When you continue to raise the bar on what you do and how you do it, you matter.

  • When you teach and forgive and teach more before you rush to judge and demean, you matter.

  • When you touch the people in your life through your actions (and your words), you matter.

What I know for sure is that unleashing the gifts, talents, and the synthesis of your experiences are a killer formula for business. They give you distinction, positioning, pricing leverage, and have the ability to attract clients who love working with you!


Want to make more money and attract clients like a magnet? Pursue your gifts! Those things that make you uniquely you. People are attracted to passion and it’s expression.


Want to learn more about how you are wired? Check out StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. The online assessment (code is in the back of the book) gives you a report of your top 5 signature strength themes. Next find someone who administers the TTI DiSC Personality Profile like ReSet Solutions. This economy is no different that any other. Dig deeper and pursue your passion to serve your customers, community, and yourself! Bottom line: You matter.


Unleash yourself to express your full potential. This is your edge in this economy.

Busy People Networking Strategies to Work a Room

A recent teleclass on “Networking that Produces Results Every Time” produced questions that I rarely get a chance to address except in a workshop or coaching session. Here are some of the questions that came up. Here are my thoughts…feel free to add your own comments!


1. How many people do you talk to at an event. Say there are 40 attendees (like a WEO meeting), how many new people do you speak to? On average, how long do you speak to each person?


My philosophy is that networking is about quality not quantity. Time is still of the essence but collecting a handful of cards that have no meaningful connection is not the goal.


  • I set a goal to make 3 quality connections at every event. I go prepared to ask questions that will help me create one of six potential successful outcomes. (See blog post “Networking that Produces Results Every Time” )

  • I plan to speak to each person 3-5 minutes and ask intelligent directed questions that will determine the next course of actionI follow up with those 3 people.

  • I may meet more and hope to have significant conversation. Depending on your business goal, you will determine what is significant for you.

2. What are some nice ways to disengage and move on?


1. If you’ve ever been stuck with a person who is self-promoting, selling you something, or in general, new to networking, this is your opportunity to model how good networking is done. Some techniques that have been successful for me are…a.)

a) I will ask (I may have to tactfully interrupt) who they would like to meet at the event and see if I can make an introduction.b.)

b)If they are in heavy “sales” mode, I will interrupt and gracefully let them know I am probably not a prospect for them. Since I know they are at the event to network I will let them mingle with other folks.


We’ve all be stuck in uncomfortable situations networking. My fellow net-workers, what are some of your suggestions?



Wild West was Won with Heart and Passion – Inspires Business Growth Initiatives for the New Economy

I am convinced that business done with heart and passion is the business that will endure.


I had the opportunity to visit Eastern Oregon last week as a keynote for a local business resource fair. I was WOW’d from the time I drove into town until 24 hours later when I left.



Baker City, Oregon in times far past held it’s claim as the premier social center with the largest population in Oregon. It’s residents are enamored with the beauty of the area and burst with pride at their history. For example, over 100 buildings in the downtown are over 100 years old. After hanging out with them for one day, I was sold!


It was the collaboration of several entities that brought this event into fruition. I believe it is this type of cooperation that will enable us to weather this storm and come out on the other side wiser, better positioned, and cared for in the process.


It is tough times that bring out the leader within!


My presentation covered many every day strategies to sharpen your entrepreneurial edge and do business in this new economy which I hoped inspired them as much as their efforts and outreach inspired me.


Let the lessons from the Wild West inspire you…


  • Travel with folks going your way. Hang out with positive, forward thinking people. Build your power team. Share the work.

  • When trouble comes. Circle the wagons. This is not to deny the recession we are in but rather to accept where we are and do what we can to make a difference in the world.

  • Keep moving toward the goal. You will be surprised at the difference in your ability to see bigger and take positive action when you see others finding success and opportunity just by their attitude.

I want to publicly commend the local players in Baker City who work together to serve their community.


Gene Stackle, B.E.G.I.N.; Ann MeHaffy, Historic Baker City, Inc.; Andrew Bryan, Baker County Development Corporation; Debi Bainter, Baker County Chamber of Commerce; Jake Jacobs, Small Business Development Center; and Linda Noble, Oregon Employment Department.


Wherever you are, there are resources like these and more! Working together we will get through!


Keep looking forward.


PS There are not many towns where you can visit the local wine bar to meet the reporter who wrote about you in the local paper…where he was the entertainment! Ed Merriman with the Baker City Herald is not only a talented reporter but also musician. Thanks, Ed for all your efforts on our behalf.


If you ever get to Baker City, the first Friday is the Gallery Crawl. This is a VERY fun way to spend the evening. The Geiser Grand Hotel is a must visit for the restaurant or lodging. Start your day at Mad Matilda’s for coffee and the Earth & Vine for a night cap.