Question everything – The Simplified Business


Too many choices. Too little time.


Someone asked me today how to know what to do first, next, and when. This was followed by the next question, how do you manage the overwhelm of choices and options? Where do you find the balance or harmony in it all?


Good question!


I’ve been thinking about this. Business profitability and growth is predicated on how time is managed and leveraged. I am not immune to the same issues every small business leader faces. As a matter of fact, I embrace them. I do this for a couple of reasons.


  1. To prove I can beat the odds.

  2. To find a simpler, faster, more effective way so I can re-purpose the learning and share with others.

So to answer the question, how do I know what to do first, next, and when along with managing the overwhelm and options, I say…


“Question everything”.


​​First, in my humble opinion, overwhelm is a state of mind. You can change your state by choosing your response. You are able to act and respond when you gain clarity through questions.


Here are a few questions I use. Let them inspire you to create your own.


  • Why I am doing this? (Whatever this is.)

  • How will accomplishing this this impact my life and business goals?

  • In light of my goals, what are the most pivotal activities that need my attention now?

  • Why do I think I have to do it ALL?

  • Who is telling me I have to do “this”?

  • Is there a simpler, faster, easier, more efficient way to get this done?

  • Does this have to be done by me? Can it be delegated?

  • What is the return on this activity? Will I gain financially, personally, or professionally?

  • Do I have energy for this activity? (Does it give me “juice” or keep me in my sweet spot?)

  • What gets in the way of achieving my highest payoff activities? How can I remedy this?

  • Am I making this task harder than it has to be? Is there a simpler way?

  • Am I in business or “playing house”?

Here are a few grounding principles that may serve you as they’ve served me.


  • As a leader you know a passion driven business becomes more than a hobby when you take the stewardship of your vision seriously.

  • As a business leader & entrepreneur you know you have intrinsic value and perspective that resonates with a specific people group. If you don’t step up this tribe will buy from someone else.

  • The tribe that craves your secret sauce has value to exchange with you in the form of money.

  • A business is a machine whose fuel is profits.

  • As a busy leader you know time is one of the inventory items you trade, invest, and leverage to gain the greatest return for yourself, your stakeholders (partners, team, etc.) and ultimately to serve your clients.

Radical execution is found in real life simplicity. It may be my age or the fact that this is my third business venture.


Celebrating 11 years in my current endeavor is certainly a reality check. I find myself asking the same question I did when I launched.


“How can I build a company that makes a difference in the world doing my favorite work serving my favorite people and live a life I love?”


Everything is in question during this period of restructure and the funny thing is, I am discovering the answer. If you are going to make your mark this year, you must stop the madness.The ball is in your court.


Question everything…then get busy on what matters most.


Add your focus questions in the comments below.